Once again I drove home alone. Once again I had to say goodbye. Once again I have a hole in my heart that can never be filled. Mr Patch, you came into my life three years ago wondering why you were there - scared and attached to me more than Velcro. I was only to foster you but after a while there was no way I could let you feel like you were being abandoned yet again. You jumped in bed each night and snuggled until we were both asleep. You would wake me up each day with doggie breath almost to the same time everyday. You protected the yard from squirrels. You were the big brother to Ms Miffy and companion to Ms Savana who we had to say goodbye to just five months ago. You galloped the back yard like a race horse, scared the desk clerk at the Lodge in Burlington, experienced your first snowfall while we were in Vermont and played with your canine friends at daycare. Yet each and every day you were at my side, not far away watching me always, right at my feet. You would drive me crazy at night during thunderstorms chasing the thunder around the house, bugging me when talking with someone on the phone. I would put up with all of that again if there was a way to have kept your quality of life. Rest in peace my sweet boy, we only had three years together, but I will never forget each and every day. Find Ms Savana on the other side of the bridge. Play in the sunshine with your renewed vigor. Stay safe. Until we meet again. I Love You Mr Patch.
Mickey Durski