
Felix (now known as Bear) came to TOESR as one of our foster saves from a large, multi-rescue project earlier this year. Like almost all the other dogs, Bear was in poor physical shape and had some behavioral issues. Through a steady but long process and with support from resident sheepie Lucy, Bear has become a much improved version of the dog that showed up at Jo & Bobby's front door months ago. We can't thank them enough for the care and love that's made this Happy Ending for Bear a reality. What a different life!
| Forsyth Veterinary Hospital | | Reidsville Veterinary Hospital | | Lawndale Veterinary Hospital | | Wake Veterinary Hospital | | | | 1-800-Save-A-Pet | | PetFinder | | Pets 911 | | US Humane Society | | HomeAgain ID | | | | Wigglebus | | Unchain Dogs | | The Animal Rescue Site | | Doo-ty Calls | | Pet Travel Center | | The Dog Talk Project | | Pet Friendly Housing | | Rescue-Info-Center | | Trendy Hounds Collars and Leashes |