
Buffy was literally hours away from being taken to a shelter to be condemned to an uncertain future when she was rescued by a caring animal lover who realized that Buffy's chances weren't good. TOESR was notified, and we began the process of finding Buffy a home. Buffy was vetted and began acclimating to her foster home. Her character made her a dog that would have made anyone a great companion but other rescue dogs came and went without a forever home for Buffy. That changed after some conversations with a wonderful family who were not only interested in adopting Buffy, but with adopting our prior rescue dog, Toby, as well.

Buffy's transition to her new home is now complete and she and her new brother are the best of friends. They not only have a new home, they have new names and are now known as Bailey and Abbegail! Thanks go out to Amanda, who made this rescue situation possible and to Jim and Gwen for having enough love to spare for both dogs!
| Forsyth Veterinary Hospital | | Reidsville Veterinary Hospital | | Lawndale Veterinary Hospital | | Wake Veterinary Hospital | | | | 1-800-Save-A-Pet | | PetFinder | | Pets 911 | | US Humane Society | | HomeAgain ID | | | | Wigglebus | | Unchain Dogs | | The Animal Rescue Site | | Doo-ty Calls | | Pet Travel Center | | The Dog Talk Project | | Pet Friendly Housing | | Rescue-Info-Center | | Trendy Hounds Collars and Leashes |